Section C कक्षा 11 अंग्रेजी Grammar based Do as directed (हल सहित) वार्षिक परीक्षा 2025
(1) They are playing football. (Change into passive voice)
Ans.― Football is being played by them.
(2) He teaches English. (Change into negative) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2022]
Ans.― He does not teach English.
(3) This is the book that I was looking for. (Identify the underlined clause)
Ans.― Adjective clause.
(4) As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. (Rewrite using 'No sooner than') [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2024]
Ans.― No sooner did the thief see the police than he ran away.
(5) I left it on the table. I left it in the drawer. (Combine the sentences with 'either or')
Ans.― I left it either on the table or in the drawer.
(6) Mohan is very weak. He cannot lift this bag. (Combine using so....that) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2024]
Ans.― Mohan is so weak that he cannot lift this bag.
(7) Unless you work hard you will not pass. (Use 'If' in place of 'Unless)
Ans.― If you don't work hard, you will not pass.
(8) They are playing football. (Change the voice) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2022]
Ans.― Football is being played by them.
(9) Rahul goes goes to school. (Change into future continuous tense)
Ans.― Rahul will be going to school.
(10) He types carelessly. (Change into negative)
Ans.― He does not type carelessly.
(11) She said, "I am waiting for my friend." (Change the narration)
Ans.― She said that she was waiting for her friend.
(12) Suraj shut the door. (Change into Negative) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2023]
Ans.― Suraj did not shut the door.
(13) He makes nice tea. (Change into passive voice)
Ans.― Nice tea is made by him.
(14) I always help him. (Change into Past Perfect) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2024]
Ans.― I had always helped him.
(15) My grandfather is too weak to lift this bag. (Rewrite using 'so .... that')
Ans.― My grandfather is so weak that he cannot lift this bag.
(16) If he works properly, he will be promoted. (Rewrite the sentence using unless) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2024]
Ans.― Unless he works properly, he will not be promoted.
(17) Sonia likes this book. (Change into negative)
Ans.― Sonia does not like this book.
(18) He makes nice tea. (Change the Voice) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2023]
Ans.― Nice tea is made by him.
(19) I eat a mango. (Change into present perfect Tense)
Ans.― I have eaten a mango.
(20) Mohan is too weak to lift this bag.
(Rewrite using 'so............ that') [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2022]
Ans.― Mohan is so weak that he cannot lift this bag.
(21) As soon as Raman gets salary he starts spending it. (Rewrite using 'No sooner than)
Ans.― No sooner does Raman get salary he starts spending it.
(22) The teacher said to the boy. "Get out of the room". (Change the narration)
Ans.― The teacher ordered the boy to get out of the room.
(23) Mohan is too weak to lift this bag. (Rewrite using 'so-that") [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2023]
Ans.― Mohan is so weak that he cannot lift this bag.
(24) The boy is my cousin. The boy is wearing a blue pants. (Combine the sentences with 'who)
Ans.― The boy who is wearing a blue pants is my cousin.
(25) a/apple/an/day/keeps/the/away/doctor (Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2022]
Ans.― An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
(26) Your brother broke the chair. (Make a question with 'what')
Ans.― What did your brother break?
(27) This is the book that I was looking for. (Identify the underlined Clause) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2024]
Ans.― Adjective clause.
(28) I know where he has gone. (Identify the underlined clause)
Ans.― Noun clause.
(29) in/this/many/book/are/there/pages/how/?(Rearrange the words in a sensible sentence) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2023]
Ans.― How many pages are there in this book?
(30) He taught English to use in school. (Change into negative)
Ans.― He did not teach English to us in school.
(31) She is working hard. She wants to crack IIT-JEE examination. (Combine the sentences using "to + infinitive") [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2022]
Ans.― She is working hard to crack IIT-JEE examination.
(32) My mother is buying mangoes. (Change into passive voice)
Ans.― Mangoes are being bought by my mother.
(33) He is honest. He is poor. (Combine the sentences using 'Although')
Ans.― Although he is poor he is honest.
(34) He is sleeping for three hours. (Correct the Sentence) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2023]
Ans.― He has been sleeping for three hours.
(35) her/pen/puts/ink/some/she/in. (Rearrange the words to make a sentence)
Ans.― She puts some ink in her pen.
(36) If they work properly, they will not be punished. (Rewrite using 'unless' in place of 'if'). [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2022]
Ans.― Unless they work properly, they will be punished.
(37) He is sleeping for three hours. (Correct the sentence)
Ans.― He has been sleeping for three hours.
(38) The teacher said to the students, "Submit your projects by tomorrow." (Change the Narration) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2024]
Ans.― The teacher asked the students to submit their projects by next day.
(39) As soon as he closed his eyes the telephone rang. (Rewrite the sentence using No sooner than)
Ans.― No sooner did he close his eyes than the telephone rang.
(40) We saw a good movie yesterday. (Change into negative)
Ans.― We did not see a good movie yesterday.
(41) Raju cried for milk. (Change into Present Indefinite) [वार्षिक परीक्षा– 2023]
Ans.― Raju cries for milk.
(42) Ram said, "She is washing the clothes." (Change the narration)
Ans.― Ram said that she was washing the clothes.
इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़िये।
कक्षा 11 अंग्रेजी Section C Grammar based Blanks
हिन्दी कक्षा 11 के मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र एवं महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तरी के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़िये।
1. कक्षा 11 हिन्दी के 50 परीक्षापयोगी वैकल्पिक प्रश्न
2. 50 रिक्त स्थान पूर्ति प्रश्न (उत्तर सहित) हिन्दी कक्षा 11 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2025
3. 50 सत्य/असत्य कथन वाले प्रश्न (उत्तर सहित) हिन्दी कक्षा 11 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2025
4. पाठ 1 'कबीर के पद (कबीरदास)' 11th हिंदी (आरोह भाग 1 काव्य खंड) पाठ का सारांश एवं अभ्यास
इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़िये।
1. मूल्य ह्रास क्या है?
2. व्यष्टि एवं समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र में अंतर
3. केंद्रीय बैंक और वाणिज्यिक बैंक के कार्य
4. मांग एवं पूर्ति वक्र का एक साथ शिफ्ट होना
5. चेक के प्रकार
इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़िये।
1. भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक और इसके कार्य
2. मुद्रास्फीति का अर्थ, परिभाषा एवं महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य
3. अर्थशास्त्र की समझ- आर्थिक गतिविधियाँ, व्यष्टि और समष्टि, अर्थमिति
4. अर्थव्यवस्था एवं इसके प्राथमिक, द्वितीयक एवं तृतीयक क्षेत्र
5. आर्थिक प्रणालियाँ- बाजार अर्थव्यवस्था, गैर-बाजार अर्थव्यवस्था और मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था
इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़िये।
1. आर्थिक सुधार से संबद्ध- वॉशिंगटन सहमति
2. चीनी आर्थिक विकास का मॉडल- बीजिंग सहमति
3. अर्थव्यवस्था से संबद्ध सैंटियागो सहमति
4. किसी देश की अर्थव्यवस्था के संदर्भ में जीडीपी एवं इसके प्रयोग
5. एनडीपी से तात्पर्य एवं एनडीपी व जीडीपी में संबंध
6. किसी देश की राष्ट्रीय आय (साइमन कुज्नेट्स के अनुसार)
7. जीएनपी- निजी प्रेषण, विदेशी ऋणों का ब्याज, विदेशी अनुदान
8. एन.एन.पी. की परिभाषा, एन.एन.पी. एवं जी.एन.पी में संबंध
कक्षा 12 English के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें।
12th English Modal Question paper
I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre