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विषयवस्तु विवरण

Modal Answer sheet– February 4th 'English' Question Paper

Skill Based Written Questions
Section 'A'

Question 1 :– Choose the correct option and write. (any five)

(a) Sankranti is the festival of ...................

(i) colours
(ii) kites
(iii) sweets
(iv) crackers

Ans.– (ii) kites

(b) The sun rises in the ...............

(i) west
(ii) east
(iii) north
(iv) south

Ans.– (ii) east

(c) The opposite of 'bad' is.....

(i) bed
(ii) good
(iii) fine
(iv) sad

Ans.– (ii) good

(d) A person who grows crops is a .....

(i) painter
(ii) farmer
(iii) tailor
(iv) potter

Ans.– (ii) farmer

(e) The rhyming word for 'fun' is ...........

(i) bun
(ii) ban
(iii) van
(iv) fan

Ans.– (i) bun

(f) At Bhojpur there is a temple of .....

(i) Lord Rama
(ii) Lord Krishna Lord
(iii) Lord Shiva
(iv) Lord Hanuman

Ans.– (iii) Lord Shiva

(g) The ...................has a long trunk.

(i) dog
(ii) elephant
(iii) horse
(iv) fox

Ans.– (ii) elephant

Q.2 :– fill in the blanks with the correct option (any five)

(a) The earth moves around the sun . (sun/ moon)

(b) A doctor treats patients. (doctor/ driver)

(c) A kite has a long tail . (tail/ trunk)

(d) The opposite of 'up' is down (down/slow)

(e) There are seven days in a week. (six/seven)

(f) An apple is red in colour. (red/ yellow)

(g) We use an umbrella in rain. (a/ an)

Q.3:– Match the columns.

A ............................B

doctor .................... teachers students

trailor ......................... treats patients

teacher ....................... sews clothes

potter....................... makes furniture

carpenter ................... makes pots

A ....................... B

doctor ....................... treats
patients trailor ...................... sews clothes
teacher .................. teachers students
potter..................... makes pots
carpenter ................... makes furniture

Q.4:- Underline the odd word and write. (any five)

(a) parrot, pigeon, peacock, lion

(b) onion, tomato, apple, cabbage

(c) horse, rose, cow, goat

(d) black, mango, white, red

(e) pen, pencil, eraser, table

(f) book, pen, rubber, car

(g) bus, truck, boat, jeep

Q.5 :– Rearrange the letters to write names of these pictures. (any five)

Note:- The pictures are given below.

(a) kobo – book
(b) eyelc – cycle
(c) lodl – doll
(d) krcof – frock
(e) linpec – pencil
(f) nilo – lion
(g) aogt – goat

Q.6 :– Complete the following lines of the poem 'The Postman' lesson-13 of your textbook.

Here comes the postman,

with a letter or two,

For me and you.

He walks for miles,

And bring them with a smile.

Brings news from far and near,

Sometimes all cheer,

Sometimes it's tears.

It says loud and clear,

They all love you dear.

Project work
Section 'B'

Q.7 :- (a) Draw the picture of a tree and colour it. Write the names of its different parts.

Note:- students draw a picture of tree and name its part, like this–

Trunk (Stem)

(b) Circle and write five adjectives given in the word puzzle.

Note :- The picture of word puzzle is given below.


RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

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(संबंधित जानकारी नीचे देखें।)

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    Posted on February 20, 2021 01:02AM



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