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Modal Answer sheet– February 6th 'English' Question Paper

Skill Based Written Questions
Section 'A'

Question 1 :– Choose the correct option and write. (any five)

(i) The Big Banyan tree in our village is .............years old.(L-1 'The Tree')

(a) thirty

(b) seventy

(c) fifty

(d) eighty

Ans :- (c) fifty

(ii) The star Twinkles like a ........ in the sky. (L-5 'The star')

(a) diamond

(b) bangle

(c) necklace

(d) ring

Ans :- (a) diamond

(iii) Going up in a swing is the ............. thing a child can do. (L- 2 'The Swing')

(i) happiest

(ii) unpleasantest

(iii) unhappiest

(iv) pleasantest

Ans :- (iv) pleasantest

(iv) ........................ is a home for many birds, small animals and insects.(L-1 'The Tree')

(a) A flower

(b) The sun

(c) The Moon

(d) A tree

Ans :- (d) A tree

(v) The king was wise, brave and ......... ruler. (L -3 'The King and the Spider')

(a) cruel

(b) kind

(c) happy

(d) foolish

Ans :- (b) kind

(vi) In the poem "The swing", the child looks down on the................. garden.

(a) red

(b) yellow

(c) green

(d) blue

Ans :- (c) green

(vii) Gradually a plant grows up into .............……

(a) a big fruit

(b) a big tree

(c) a Big flower

(d) a big insect

Ans :- (b) a big tree

Q.2 :- Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets. (any five)
कोष्टक में दिए गए शब्दों में से सही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थान भरें। ( कोई पांच)

(i) The king saw aSpider on the wall. (a/an)

(ii) Arjun aimed at the bird. (at/in )

(iii) The opposite of 'day 'is night.(night/evening)

(iv) Mahatma Gandhi was an honest man. (a/an)

(v) The star twinkles in the sky. (in /on) .

(vi) The opposite of the word 'win' is lose. (lose /fail)

(vii) Once Mr. Giles came for inspection. (come /came)

Q.3 :- Match the column A with B.
सही जोड़ियाँ बनाइए -

..... Column 'A' ...........Column 'B'

(i) a Goldsmith .. (a) makes garments
(ii) a carpenter ... (b)makes and mends shue
(iii) a barber .... (c) makes ornaments of gold
(iv) a cobbler .... (d) makes tables and chairs
(v) a tailor ....... (e) cuts your hairs.

Ans :- ..... Column 'A' ...........Column 'B'

(i) a Goldsmith... makes ornaments of gold

(ii) a carpenter... makes tables and chairs.

(iii)a barber...... cuts your hairs.

(iv) a cobbler.... makes and mends shue

(v) a tailor ....... makes garments

Q. 4:- Read lesson 1-4 of your textbook. Now, tick ✔️ or ✖️ the following statements.

(i) The spider did not succeed in climbing. ✖️

(ii) It is a pleasant thing to go up in a swing. ✔️

(Iii) It was a 50 years old mango tree.✖️

(iv) Gandhiji left Porbandar at the age of eight.✖️

(v) Gandhiji misspelt the word 'kattle'.✔️

Q. 5 :– Read the poem 'The Elephant' of your book and answer the following questions.

(a) Tick the correct answer-

The word 'He' in the poem stands for–

(i) the baby (ii) the elephant

Ans :- (ii) the elephant

(b) Write the rhyming words from the poem.

Along – song

way – may

toes – nose

chin – pin

Q. 6 :- Write the words in order to make correct sentences.

1. is /a/there/ mango /big/ tree/ garden/ in /my/.

Ans :– There is a big mango tree in my garden.

2. is /ten/it/ years/ old/.

Ans :– It is ten years old.

3. give/ it /sweet/ us /mangoes/.

Ans :– It give us sweet mangoes.

4. play/ under /we/ shade/ its/.

Ans :– We play under its shade.

5. tree /mango/ is/ my/ for /home/ a/ birds/many/.

Ans :– My mango tree is a home for many birds.

Project Work
Section - 'B'

Q.7 :- (A) Find the hidden words from the given words and write in the given space.

Example :- flower ➡️ flow, low

1. mother ➡️ the, her

2. teacher ➡️ tea, teach

3. sewing ➡️ sew, wing

4. think ➡️ thin, ink

5. happens ➡️ hap, pen

6. country ➡️ count, try

7. search ➡️ sea, arch

8. sentence ➡️ sent, ten

9. often ➡️ of, ten

10. spread ➡️ pre, read

11. listen ➡️ list, ten

12. father ➡️ fat, her

(B) Write 8 sentences about yourself using the clues given below.

( your name, age, name of school, name of class, name of game you like, name of the subject you like, name of your father, mother, brother, sister and class teacher)

Note :- Here is an example as per the instructions. If students write sentences with their description, they should given marks.

1. I am Ramesh.

2. I am 12 years old.

3. My school name is Government Middle School xyz.

4. I read in class 6th.

5. I like cricket match very much.

6. I like mathematics most.

7. My father's name is is Yugal Kishore.

8. My mother name is Yamini.

9. My brother's name is Sunil.

10. My sister's name is Radha.

11. My class teacher name is Mr Mohan Lal Sharma.

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

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