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विषयवस्तु विवरण

Modal Answer Sheet March 2021 English 7th

Q 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from bracket.( any five )

(a) I saw a rainbow in the sky yesterday. ( ship/rainbow)

(b) They have few good books. ( few/ little)

(c) We should not write on the walls.( on/ in)

(d) It is very hot today.( was/ is)

(e) Meena and Teena are friends.( and/ but)

(f) Mohan was writing a letter.( write/writing)

(g) Gagan is eating an orange.(a/an)

Q.2 Match the opposites.

Column 'A' – Column'B'

white ….............. last
first ................... night
strong ............... down
up ....................... black
day ..................... weak

Ans –

white ….............. black
first ................... last
strong ................ weak
up ....................... down
day ..................... night

Q.3 Choose the correct answer and write. (any five)

(a) The rainbow makes a bridge........ .

(I) over trains
(ii) from the earth to the sky
(iii) over tall buildings

Ans – from the earth to the sky

(b) Vinod went to.... .

(I) Bhopal
(ii) Indore
(iii) Gwalior

Ans – Bhopal

(c) The oldman's answers were in the form of.... .

(I) silence
(ii) statements
(iii) questions

Ans – statements

(d) Athletes who take part in the Olympic come from.............. .

(I) on country
(ii) many country
(iii) cities

Ans – many country

(e) Sunil is....than his friends.

(I) tall
(ii) taller
(iii) tallest

Ans – taller

(f) Rhyming words for 'bake' is.... .

(I) cake
(ii) bun
(iii) cookie

Ans – cake

(g) Opposite gender of 'boy' is.... .

(I) women
(ii) girl
(iii) lady

Ans – girl

Q.4 Read the poem 'The Rainbow' from your English Reader and answer the question.

(a) What is a poem about?

Answer- The poem is about to a rainbow.

(b) Find two rhyming words from the poem for word 'seas'.

Seas – trees, these, please

Q.5 Read the following story carefully and answer the questions given below.

Ones two friends, Deepak and Bhola were walking through the forest. Suddenlya bear attacked them. Deepak climbed a tree and sat there. Bhola fell on the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear came up to him and sniffed him on face. Then the bear went away.
When the bear was gone. Deepak climbed down and asked, "What did the bear say in your ear?"
Bhola said, "It said that someone who leaves his friend in times of danger is not a friend at all."


(a) write the names of the two friends.

Ans – Deepak and Bhola.

(b) What happened suddenly?

Ans – Suddenlya bear attacked them.

(c) Who climbed a tree?

Ans – Deepak climbed a tree.

(d) What did Bhola do?

Ans – Bhola fell on the ground and pretended to be dead.

(e) What did Bhola say at the end of the story?

Ans – Bhola said at the end of the story, "It said that someone who leaves his friend in times of danger is not a friend at all."

Q.6 Answer in own word. (any five)

(a) A person who teaches is a teacher

(b) A person who drives a car is a driver

(c) A person who looks after the sheep is a Shepherd

(d) A person who trains a horse is a horse-trainer

(e) A person who swims is a swimmer

(f) A person who writes is a writer

(g) A person who sings is a singer

Project work
Section 'B'

Q.7 (a) What festival do you celebrate? collect information about these festivals and complete the table.

1. Name of the festival – Diwali
◆ When it is celebrated– Kartik Amavasya
◆ How it is celebrated– With lightening
◆ Why it is celebrated– To recall Lord Ram's returned Ayodhya.

2. Name of the festival– Holi
◆ When it is celebrated– Falgun Purnima
◆ How it is celebrated– With colours
◆ Why it is celebrated– To protect bhakt Prahlad

3. Name of the festival– Raksha Bandhan ◆ When it is celebrated– Shravan Purnima
◆ How it is celebrated– Sister ties Rakhi to her brother
◆ Why it is celebrated– To love of brother and sister

4. Name of the festival– Dashhara
◆ When it is celebrated– Kvar Shukla Paksha Dashmi
◆ How it is celebrated– worship to weapons
◆ Why it is celebrated– recall of Lord Ram's victory on Ravan.

5. Name of the festival– Lohidi (Makar sankranti)
◆ When it is celebrated– 14 January
◆ How it is celebrated– Kite flying
◆ Why it is celebrated– New Grain

(b) Read any two lesson of your textbook and select 5 nouns and then 5 verbs. Then write them in the table below.

S. NO ............. Nouns ............. Verbs

1. ................. Bhola ............... Like
2. .................. Shanti .............. Give
3. ................. Teacher........... ride
4. ................. Woman ............ Read
5. ................ Allahabad ......... Ask

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

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(संबंधित जानकारी नीचे देखें।)

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