Principles of Language Teaching || CTET and TET Exams
The child comes to school directly from his home at the age of five or six. At this time the child knows only his mother tongue which can also be a dialect. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the teacher to teach the standard language to the child. Apart from Hindi language, it is necessary for the child to have knowledge of Sanskrit and English language. The teacher should use them following the Principles of Language teaching for teaching language.
Principles of Language teaching
The principles of language teaching are as follows-
(1) The principle of teaching by the senses.
(2) The principle of teaching by action.
(3) The principle of teaching from the tangible to the intangible.
(4) Principle of teaching by induction method.
(5) The principle of teaching by creating attraction to the subject matter.
(6) Principle of following nature.
(7) Theory of Motivation.
(8) Theory of imitation.
(9) Principle of teaching by giving opportunity.
(10) The principle of teaching by creating a situation.
(11) Theory of practice.
(12) Principle of personal teaching.
(13) The principle of naturalness.
(14) The principle of inspiration or interest.
(15) Principle of proper order.
(1) Theory of teaching through the senses-
According to this principle, first of all the knowledge of language is made by the teacher through listening and speaking using tongue i.e. mouth and ears. After that the child is motivated to write by seeing the use of eyes and hands.
(2) Principle of learning by doing
According to this principle, the child is encouraged to learn a language, whether it is English, Hindi or Sanskrit, by speaking it himself. In this method the child learns by practicing speaking in the same way as the teacher speaks.
(3) Theory of teaching from the tangible to the abstract-
According to this theory, the child is first taught to express about the concrete i.e. the objects which have shape (shape type) in order to make language knowledge. In this way the child's vocabulary increases. Later, to increase the child's vocabulary, opportunities are given to express expression of abstract things.
(4) Principle of inductive method)
According to this principle, many such examples are placed in front of the children by telling them the rules of grammar etc., so that the rules are made automatically from the examples in front of the children.
(5) Principle of teaching by creating attraction in the subject-
According to this principle, to teach language to children, the subject matter of any language, whether it is proverbs-idioms, whether it is a matter of formation of new words by applying suffix-prefix, create attraction in the subject matter. If it is taught by making it interesting, then the child starts learning quickly.
(6) Principle of following nature-
We see that the child learns his mother tongue on his own, that is, the environment of his house is naturally in the same way and all the members of the house use the same language, so the child imitates. Through this, he soon learns the language. If we want to teach any language to the child, the environment of that language should be created naturally at home or school. That language should be used in speaking normally, which the child will automatically follow naturally.
(7) Theory of Motivation-
Any child can be proficient in any task if he is motivated or motivated by someone. The same applies to language learning. If you want to teach any language to the child in Sanskrit, English or Hindi etc., then you should motivate the child to teach any subject matter of the subject, the child definitely learns.
Click below link to read about pedagogy of Language
1. What are language and mother tongue? Definitions
2. Language learning tendencies - Curiosity, Simulation and Practice, Pedagogy of Language
3. Language skills - Basis of writing and communication Required competencies for language knowledge
(8) Principle of simulation-
"A child learns his mother-tongue easily by way of imitation. So the Hindi, English or Sanskrit languages should be taught to boy on the same principle."
(A child normally learns his mother tongue easily by imitation. Thus Hindi, English or Sanskrit language should be taught by this principle.)
By imitating the child learns the most, the condition is that the teacher himself is proficient in that language and he always uses the language himself.
(9) Principle of teaching by providing opportunities-
The child tries to learn the language or any content of the language quickly if he is given enough opportunities. The teacher should be given full opportunity to speak in his/her class in his/her mother tongue and should be given opportunity to speak English or Sanskrit words from that language in which he/she is learning.
(10) Theory of teaching by creating situations-
According to this principle, if the teacher wants to teach a language, then he has to create conditions related to the acquisition of language in his school so that the child can learn the language. The child learns the mother tongue easily because there are such situations at home. All the members express their feelings about many things in the house, the child also starts communicating by imitating them. For example if we want to teach English language we have to create environment to speak English.
(11) Principle of practice-
A child can easily learn any language through practice. If the teacher gives work to the children to practice for different subject matter of the language. If English or Sanskrit language is to be taught, then the child can be taught the language easily by doing practice work by speaking sentences of these languages in his daily life.
(12) Principle of personal teaching-
It is common knowledge that the level of learning varies from person to person. Therefore, due to these differences in the children, the teacher works to teach the children individually, so that the children can easily learn the various subject matter of the language like proverbs, idioms, use of punctuation marks, spelling correctness etc.
(13) Principle of naturalness-
According to this principle the child learns naturally, the teacher must help him in teaching. Like in the house the child first calls 'roti' as 'loti' or water as 'mum' but gradually he naturally learns to speak pure words among the family. In school, the teacher should give opportunities to the children to learn naturally. In the mother tongue of the child, he first expresses his feelings through sentences and then knows the words. Similarly, when the child comes to school in the beginning, he should be taught the sentences of the language, then the words and finally the letters etc. This sequence is useful for teaching.
(14) Theory of Motivation or Interest-
According to this principle, the child is motivated or induced to do some work. If the child is asked to do a task normally, he is not interested in doing it, but when he is stimulated, he starts doing the work with interest. For example, when we ask the children to throw the ground garbage, he does not throw it with interest, but when it is asked that let us see who throws the most garbage, then all the children get involved in the work soon. Children should be motivated for this.
(15) Principle of proper sequence-
According to the principle of proper sequence, when the child receives the meaning of the language, then the child expresses or expresses the emotion. If we teach by keeping in mind the proper sequence of language teaching, then the child's grip soon becomes over the language.
In this way by following the above principles of language teaching, a teacher can enhance language teaching to his students.
हिन्दी भाषा एवं इसका शिक्षा शास्त्र के इन प्रकरणों 👇 के बारे में भी जानें।
1. भाषा सीखना और ग्रहणशीलता - भाषा और मातृभाषा क्या हैं? परिभाषाएँ
2. भाषा शिक्षा शास्त्र, बालकों को भाषा सिखाने हेतु महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य
3. भाषा की दक्षताएँ, लेखन एवं भाव संप्रेषण के आधार, भाषा सीखना एवं सुधार
4. भाषा ग्रहणशीलता एवं भाषा ग्रहणशीलता के तत्व- भाषा ग्रहणशीलता को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक
I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre
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(संबंधित जानकारी के लिए नीचे दिये गए विडियो को देखें।)